martes, 10 de febrero de 2015


You want it all and you want it now. Instant gratification rules, and there’s a sense of always needing to keep moving forwards. When emotional stuff comes up for you, it rises quickly to the surface to be torched. In fact, you’re so ready to face uncomfortable situations head on, to some people it might look like you actually enjoy conflict. Rather, it just doesn’t phase you – and seeing as you experience your emotions in the moment, kind of like a two-year-old, these flare-ups are just a way of processing emotional energy out of your body. Your gift is to not hold onto a grudge. Your friends and family get what they see. Satisfy this Moon sign by constantly seeking out new experiences. But beware – not every new thing you “want” is also a soul-serving “need.”

Vía Yoganonymous.

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

Y o s o y o s o Y

Ahora que me encuentro aquí...


 me doy cuenta que solo me tengo a mí.

Solo a mí.

Solo a .